IntraForms Online Enrollment Form Processing

School District Enrollment Form Administration

IntraForms enrollment forms processing dramatically reduces time and cost of your yearly registration forms including, emergency medical forms, free and reduced meal forms, early release forms and much more. See a sample of our forms processing application by clicking below and creating your own account.

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Overhead Hoist Inspection Application

Hoist Inspection and Tracking

Our hoist inspection and tracking application manages Frequent and Periodic testing of overhead hoists. It provides a simple way for the user to manage the inspection forms, repair forms, history and track individual hoists. Click below for a sample inspection form.

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Student Blogging Application

Custom Blogging Software Geared to the Classroom

Our custom blogging software was part of the state school board recognized Senior Experience blogging program. This program allowed seniors to blog about their in and out of school experiences for their senior year. It included still images, and video as well as a Guest Blogger function.

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Online Lunch Count

School District Lunch Ordering and Tracking

Our district lunch count program allow individual buildings or a central kitchen to track daily lunch orders. Each building sends and exact count making food preperation a snap. It also helps with inventory management, spoilage and excess food problems.

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Online Absence Notes

Absence Notes and Doctors Excuses

Our online absence note application makes it easy for administrators to read, save and track absence notes and doctors excuses.

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